"The HALTER LoadAssistant works so well that we are considering the purchase of a second robot."
Dick Koster, Co-Owner, Bruins Precisie Metaal V.O.F.
Bruins Precisie Metaal has over 40 years of experience in the machining of steel, non-ferrous metals, plastic and hardened materials. They manufacture cutting, bending and progressive dies/stamps and supply mechanical engineering companies. The numbers range from the production of single pieces to the production of hundreds of pieces in series. Dick Koster explains: “The HALTER LoadAssistant works so well that we are considering the purchase of a second robot. Since we got the HALTER LoadAssistant it has run 16 hours a day, even over the weekend! In the beginning we had our doubts, but now we are very enthusiastic. Due to its ease of use, the simplicity of its operation, within a few days we could already make full use of the HALTER LoadAssistant.”
Manufacturer of cutting, bending and progressive die stamps as well as moulds
13 employees
HALTER CNC Automation GmbH
Gewerbering 7
47661 Issum
T: +49 2835 955 3990
VAT ID: DE326335222
Company ID: HRB 16121
21995 Fillmore Road
Cascade, Iowa 52033
United States
T: 800 314 8261
VAT ID: US473961908