How quickly can you earn back the investment in a robotic cell?

30 November 2023

Of course, that depends on the effort involved in production, but there are always two components that determine how quickly your investment will be earned back.

  • the robotic cell reduces the proportion of man-hours
  • the robotic cell generates extra output by increasing spindle hours  

At Halter we have developed an ROI calculator with which any machining company – based on its own data, such as hourly rate of the CNC machines, hourly rate of the operators and the current number of spindle hours – can quickly gain insight into the payback period of a robotic cell and the annual return.

You will see that it is not the size of the investment that has the biggest impact, but the extra output you will realize with it!

Try it out and calculate payback with your own data on our ROI Calculator
You can also read the whitepaper “Return on Investment of a Robot Cell”, download here.


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