HALTER CNC Automation has developed the HALTER LoadAssistants, based on its many years of experience in the machining industry and production automation: The all-in-one Universal (for turning and milling), the TurnStacker and the MillStacker. Compact, Premium and Big. Available with a 12kg, 25kg, 35kg or 70kg robot arm.
Halter’s application engineering team can design grid plates and special gripper fingers for your specific workpieces. For example, if you want to automate castings or other workpieces which need special handling. All these custom solutions can be implemented in the user-friendly HALTER SmartControl. The flexibility of the solutions that we offer ensures that you can automate even greater variation of workpieces.
HALTER CNC Automation GmbH
Gewerbering 7
47661 Issum
T: +49 2835 955 3990
VAT ID: DE326335222
Company ID: HRB 16121
21995 Fillmore Road
Cascade, Iowa 52033
United States
T: 800 314 8261
VAT ID: US473961908