Both small and medium series can easily be handled by the HALTER LoadAssistant, which is compatible with every new and existing CNC lathes. Your CNC lathe operator can operate the robot arm for loading of any workpieces with a diameter of 10-300 mm. The HALTER LoadAssistant quickly increases your flexibility and efficiency, even in small series. The robot is affordable, flexible and easy to move to another CNC machine. The payback period is less than a year.
The installation is performed quickly, the operation is learned immediately, and no robotic experience is required. Therefore you can immediately optimize your CNC lathe’s performance!
With which CNC machine brands?
Akira Seiki, Bridgeport Hardinge, Deckel Maho, DMG Mori, Doosan, Eumach, Haas, Hardinge Bridgeport, Hermle, Hurco, Hyundai, Hwacheon, Kitamura, MAS, Mazak, Mikron, Mori Seiki, Nakamura Tome, Okuma, Quaser, Samsung, Spinner, Takisawa, Victor and many others.
Read on for more experiences of metalworking companies that have successfully utilized their CNC lathes with the HALTER LoadAssistant.
HALTER CNC Automation GmbH
Gewerbering 7
47661 Issum
T: +49 2835 955 3990
VAT ID: DE326335222
Company ID: HRB 16121
21995 Fillmore Road
Cascade, Iowa 52033
United States
T: 800 314 8261
VAT ID: US473961908